Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lighting challenge

So at bathtime tonight, I grabbed my camera to see if I could handle the poor lighting challenges. Our bathroom does not have a window to the outside, so I had very yellow-tinged photos, even after I altered my white balance. I fixed most of the color problems in PhotoShop but thought these looked even more precious in B&W. I added a bunch of new things I learned in PhotoShop and am pretty happy with all of these images. Though I'm feeling a little unsure about posting pictures of my child in the bathtub on the web, even when they're not revealing. Hmm...she is my most willing (and most photogenic) practice subject, but is it right to put so many images of her on here? She has no idea how much I'm exploiting her cuteness to the world at large. Not sure. I'm going to think on this for awhile.
James was right there behind her, ready to catch her if her feet slipped. She's so proud of herself for standing up and does it all the time now. She's pretty agile on those little baby feet, too. I like to think it's the dancer in her, of course.
Have you ever seen a baby who smiles as much as mine? :) Even when she's cranky, she still cracks a bunch of smiles for us whenever we ask for them.
Inquisitive. Always questioning.
Lovin' on the bathtime! And lovin' on the fact that Mommy is getting the hang of handling poor lighting conditions! Yippee for her! And for clean, yummy-smelling babies.
And just for a reference point, here's what one of the pictures looked like in full color, after some minor editing in PhotoShop. Not too shabby? A little too yellow/red still, maybe ... and I could lighten it up a bunch ... but I still like it! LOVE the kid, of course.


  1. What a doll! I think the choice to go B&W was a good one!

  2. how could you not love the baby in the picture?

    but the b&w looks great on here.

  3. Love them! You do such a great job!

  4. Hey, it was great to chat at MOPS.

    What a cutie!

    I look forward to seeing more and chatting photography more. :-)
