Friday, May 29, 2009

Mother & son

One of my best friends, Sara, recently moved to a beautiful 1930s house on nearly five acres of gorgeous property. I am so thrilled for her and her husband, who's had a dream of owning and living on a farm since he was a little boy. They have horses already and I can't wait to see what else they do. Their two boys, Patrick and Jaden, are going to have so much fun growing up in this house! I went to visit earlier this week and just snapped a few pics of Sara and Patrick. James and I are going back this weekend and I'm going to do lots more pics (Matt specifically wants one of Patrick in all the buttercups in the fields ... isn't that cute?).


  1. the property looks amazing from the little bit i see. sara and her son are too precious, i love it!!

  2. Ahhhh.... I didn't know they had moved yet. I can't wait to see the house in person. (not for MONTHS though). Love you Sara and Mandy!

  3. Awesome pics! Not sure if you've ever heard of it, but I just found a cool web site (I think it's but I'll have to double check) where you can post your photos and receive constructive criticism ..... I haven't worked up the courage to post any of mine yet, but it's an awesome site for browsing. You should put some of yours up there!

  4. Oh my gosh! These pictures are amazing! Fabulous photographer and subject! LOVE IT!
